Small Groups

Small Groups

Life is Better Together!

At Revolve Church, we believe that life is better together. By being a part of a small group, you’ll build personal relationships and accountability with other like-minded individuals so you can learn and grow together!

Click one of the buttons below to take your next step with a small group!

You need people! There are groups for individuals from all sorts of backgrounds and situations. Find what best suits you and get involved now!

Don’t see anything that applies to you? We would love your feedback! Let us know how we can offer more options to suit others in our community so that we can better help you get plugged in.

We’ve got your back! We will give you the resources and guidelines you need to structure your group and keep things on target for the semester. Sign up for training so you can feel equipped to lead effectively.

We need more leaders! By signing up to lead a group, you are volunteering your time to facilitate discussion, accountability, and growth in fellow believers. You don’t have to have all of the answers, you just have to be open.